Facebook Google+ StumbleUpon Blinklist Digg TwitThis Myspace Twitter veryday around 115 million children are exposed to hazardous work around the globe, including 15.5 million children who are engaged in domestic work outside their own homes according to the United Nations International Labour Organization (ILO). The EU-funded five-year, €5 million CACL-II project aims to contribute to the Government of Pakistan’s efforts towards eliminating child labour, including its worst forms. Through the CALC II, some 6,800 children have been spared from worst forms of child labour from a target of 7,500, while over 1,700 younger siblings have been protected from hazardous labour. Over 4,600 ex-child labourers and siblings are now mainstreamed into the formal education system. Depending on their age, these children are provided alternative opportunities of education and vocational training along with their families, who are also linked up with social safety nets, credit providers and health services.